For every security group you create in BigTime, you’ll have the ability to add or remove certain user rights that control what members of that security group can do. To edit or add security group user rights, first go to MY COMPANY…USER RIGHTS from your main navigation bar. Then, either create a new security group or click on a pre-existing security group. You’ll see a list of all the user right categories, which you can click on to expand and see each individual user right grouped within that category. One of these categories is labeled REPORTING. In this article, we’ll define each user right in this category, and explain what aspects of the BigTime user experience they each control.
Reporting: Access Public Reports
When you navigate to the report center (ANALYTICS…REPORT CENTER), you’ll see a section labeled ALL REPORTS. In this section, all available report types are organized into different groups depending on the type of data they record. There are reports that can show information about a whole project, your overall staffer utilization, and your firm’s A/R aging history, among other report types. You may want to grant staffers the ability to view reports on their own performance while hiding reports that display higher level, firm-wide data from their view. The reports that are designed to show data for individual staffers are grouped under the PUBLIC REPORTS group, and this user right controls whether security group members can view those reports.
Reporting: All Access
While the previous user right only grants limited reports access, this user right grants unrestricted access to all the reports in the BigTime Report Center. You’ll likely want to only give this permission to staffers with certain management authority.
Report: BigTime Report Administrator
BigTime Report Administrators can create, customize, and otherwise edit reports in the Report Center. The previous two user rights allow a staffer to view reports in the Report Center, but they won’t be able to make changes to those reports or add new ones unless they have this permission.
Create/Edit Report Groups
Staffers that have this user right will be able to make edits to the report groups located in the Report Center. This user right grants staffers the ability to edit report group names and move reports into different groups.