For every security group you create in BigTime, you’ll have the ability to add or remove certain user rights that control what members of that security group can do. To edit or add security group user rights, first go to MY COMPANY…USER RIGHTS from your main navigation bar. Then, either create a new security group or click on a pre-existing security group. You’ll see a list of all the user right categories, which you can click on to expand and see each individual user right grouped within that category. One of these categories is labeled TASK ACCESS. In this article, we’ll define each user right in these categories, and explain what aspects of the BigTime user experience they each control.
View Project Tasks
For every project you create in BigTime, you'll have the ability to create tasks and assign them to staffers. Project tasks are a way to track progress on your projects and know where to allocate staffers. The "View Project Tasks" user right is the most baseline task access permission. Turning this user right on will give a user the ability to view the TASKS OVERVIEW/STATUS tab for any of your firm's projects. However, it won't let a staffer add, edit or delete any tasks.
Act As a Task/Activity Administrator
If you want to additionally grant a staffer access to the EDITOR, SCHEDULE and ALLOCATIONS sub-tabs under a project's TASK tab, you'll need to activate this user right. The “Act as a Task/Activity Administrator” user right also gives users full access to the budget and financial details for tasks. Depending on the other user rights you have turned on, security group members with this user right can also edit tasks assigned to other staffers.
Edit Task Details on “My Tasks”
By default, a staffer won't be able to make edits to tasks that have been assigned to them. They can change the status of a task, but they can't change the name of the task or its allocations. With this user right turned on, members of your security group have unlimited ability to edit their own tasks.
Access Task Budget Data
Every task you create in BigTime can also be assigned an hourly or fee-based budget. Since this budget information is potentially sensitive, you may not want all of your staffers to see it. In that case, you can turn this user right off.
If you choose to turn the “Access Task Budget Data” user right on, you’ll see an additional sub-permission labeled “Hide Task Financial Data”.
The first user right gives staffers access to task allocations, the task scheduler, and the hourly budget data for tasks. However, if you want to hide the fee and expense budgets related to tasks, along with other financial data, you’ll need to turn this additional sub-permission on.