BigTime’s analytics dashboard tiles give you quick insight into your company’s performance by arranging data into graphs and visuals. If you want to narrow down the info displayed on a specific dashboard tile, you can go to the tile’s settings and set filters to determine what types of data it displays. Follow the steps below to learn how you can access tile filters and how they work.
Access Tile Filters
1. Go to your dashboards window by going to ANALYTICS…DASHBOARDS from your main navigation bar.
2. Find your chosen tile, and click the THREE DOTS in the top right corner of that tile. From the picklist that appears, click the option EDIT TILE.
3. You’ll be redirected to a page where you can edit details about your tile. Near the bottom of this page, you’ll see a section labeled FILTERS, with three fields located below – COLUMN, COMPARER and VALUE.
There are a variety of ways you can configure these fields to filter for specific types of data. Below, we’ll go over how to use these fields to filter your tile data.
The COLUMN field is where you set the type of dataset you’d like to filter for. Clicking the GRAY ARROW in this field will open a picklist with all the types of data that are included in the reporting on that tile. The items in this picklist will change from tile to tile, because each tile displays a unique type of data. For example, the “Amount Invoiced” tile will allow you to select “expenses”, “fees”, and “invoice number” in this field, among other data types.
The COMPARER field is where you can set the comparison terms between your COLUMN field and your VALUE field.
Finally, the VALUE field is where you can further narrow down the type of data you’d like to be displayed on your tile. You can type your chosen values directly into this field. If you want to filter your tile by a few different values, you’ll need to separate each column by a comma when typing them into this field.
How To Use Tile Filters
Here’s an example of how you could use these filter fields for the “Current Invoice Amount” tile. In this example, without filters applied, this tile will show that our firm has roughly $52,800 in open invoices.
Let’s say, instead of seeing the total amount of all our invoices, we only want to see the total combined amount of invoices that have a balance of less than $500 each. In our tile settings, we’ll set the COLUMN field to “Balance”. We’ll also set the COMPARER field to “Less Than”, and write “500” in the VALUE field.
Then, we’ll click SAVE to save these changes.
Returning to our dashboard, we’ll now see that the tile now filters out all invoices that are over $500. With the filters applied, the combined amount for all our invoices under $500 is $750.
If we want, we can add multiple filters to further narrow our tile display. For example, we can add an additional filter to this tile to only display invoices under $500 that are billed toward ABC Project by setting COLUMN as "Project", COMPARER as "Equals", and VALUE as "ABC Project". We can continue adding however many filters we'd like to this tile.
We can delete a filter at any time by clicking the TRASH CAN icon to the right of that filter.