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How To Add a Pre-Made Dashboard

BigTime’s analytics dashboards give you quick insights into the health of your business, helping you take more informed steps towards enhancing your firm’s growth and evolution. Dashboards are made up of data visualization tiles that can show you details like your number of unpaid invoices, staffer utilization, unbilled expenses, and other metrics at a glance.

There are two options when it comes to building a dashboard: you can either build one from scratch, or use a pre-made dashboard. If you don’t know how to leverage dashboards or what tiles are most helpful for your firm, starting with a pre-made dashboard can give you a good foundation for understanding how they can give you a birds-eye view into your firm’s performance. Pre-made dashboards already have tiles that can show you the right data for a specific purpose. For example, the pre-made A/R dashboard template includes tiles that show your current total invoice amount, your payment mix, your firm's at-risk rate, and other data that falls under the A/R aging umbrella.

To add a pre-made dashboard, just follow the steps below.

1. Go to ANALYTICS…DASHBOARDS from your main navigation bar. This will take you to the landing page for your analytics dashboards.

2. At the top of your dashboard page, find the tab labeled +ADD NEW and click on it.

3. You’ll see a pop-up window appear where you can set a name and viewing permissions for your new dashboard. You’ll need to name your dashboard before you can proceed. At the bottom of this window, there’s a button labeled ADD DASHBOARD, with an ARROW next to it. Click on that arrow and you’ll see an additional option to ADD A PRE-MADE DASHBOARD. Click on that option. 

4. This will redirect you to a new screen, where you can select the pre-made dashboard template you’d like to use. Each of these templates will automatically populate your dashboard with certain large data and quick insight tiles. Clicking the + SIGN next to any tile will expand more details about what kind of data that tile conveys.

On the left sidebar, you’ll see a list of available dashboard templates to choose from. You can click between these to select different templates. 

Each pre-made dashboard template serves a different purpose. Click through the articles below to learn about how they each function:

5. Once you’ve picked the pre-made dashboard you’d like to add, click the blue ADD DASHBOARD button at the top right corner. 

This will automatically add that new dashboard to your dashboard landing page. 

As mentioned above, you can think of a pre-made dashboards as a blueprint. You can still delete or edit tiles the same way you would on a dashboard created from scratch, depending on your firm's needs.

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