Your dashboard includes space for eight main tiles and quick insight tiles. Building out your dashboards means filling that space with the appropriate data tiles for your firm. To do so, you’ll need to access the tile library. Think of the tile library as a sort of shopping center: here, you’ll browse through the selection of tiles BigTime offers, add the right ones to your “cart”, and “check out” by publishing them to your dashboard. The tile library is equipped with search functionality, and groups tiles into categories based on what they can do for your firm. Here’s a quick walkthrough of the tile library, how to navigate it, and how you can use it to build out your dashboards.
NOTE: This article assumes you already know how to access your dashboards.
Accessing Your Tile Library
Getting into the tile library only takes a few steps. First, navigate from your home page to your dashboards (ANALYTICS…DASHBOARDS). If you haven’t already filled your main dashboard and quick insights sidebar with tiles, you’ll see options on both to add a tile. This is what they’ll look like:
Clicking inside one of these boxes will open the tile library, where you can shop around and pick tiles that make the most sense for your firm.
Tile Library Features
On the left side of your screen, you’ll see a gray sidebar with several different tile categories to choose from.
If, for example, you want to build out your dashboard’s utilization metrics display, you can click the category STAFFING & CAPACITY to view all the dashboard options under that classification.
At the top of your screen is a search bar. If you need to add a specific tile, but don’t want to scroll through all your options to find it, you can type the name of the tile into the search bar to find it.
NOTE: To learn more about each tile and how they come in handy, read this article.
Now, look to the top right corner of your screen. You’ll see a GRAY BOX icon with several smaller boxes inside it. Clicking this icon will open up your tile shopping cart.
Any time you add a tile from the tile library, it will show up in your tile shopping cart. Unless you are quick-adding a tile, going within your shopping cart is the necessary final step to publishing tiles to your dashboard landing page.