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Customizing Date Ranges in Dashboards

BigTime’s dashboards are customizable by design. Your dashboards and tiles are built to be edited to meet the needs of your firm. One of the many aspects of your dashboard that you can adjust is the date range displayed on your tiles. When you add a tile, it will default to a year-to-date display, showing you the past year’s worth of data up until the present date. However, it’s possible to make your tile show data by month and quarter as well as by year. You can also go back in time to view data from previous months, quarters or years. 

There are two different ways you can make edits to your dashboard tile date ranges. Read on to learn more. 


NOTE: This article assumes you already know how to access your dashboards. Also, not every tile displays data by date range. Only the tiles that measure data by time period, like the Profit Over Time and A/R Aging tiles, will give you the option to set and customize a date range. 


Quick Edit

1. Go to one of the tiles on your dashboard. Click the THREE DOTS located in the top right corner of that tile.


2.  A picklist will generate with a few options to choose from. Click the EDIT DATE RANGE option.


3.  A pop-up window will open where you’ll be able to edit the date ranges displayed on your tile. You can choose between a monthly, quarterly or yearly view, or you can click the left and right ARROWS to shift your dates.


4. Once you’ve made your selections in this window, remember to click APPLY to save your changes.


Another way to make changes to your dashboard date ranges is by opening the advanced settings for your tile. Like before, start by clicking the THREE DOTS, but this time click the option to EDIT TILE


This will open a new page where you can make more advanced changes or updates to that tile. Here, you can both change the name of your tile and the date ranges it displays. Within the TIME PERIOD dialog box, you’ll see a CALENDAR icon. Clicking that icon will open the same pop-up window where you can make adjustments to your tile’s date ranges. 



When you’ve made your selection, save your changes by clicking the EDIT TILE button. 


You will automatically be redirected back to your dashboard view where you’ll see your new date ranges reflected in your tile. You can always go back and change the displayed date ranges whenever you want to view data from different time periods. 

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