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User Right: Allow Users To Edit Approved Time and Expenses

Decide how much control you’d like your managers to have over staffers’ time and expenses with the user right: “Allow users to edit approved time and expenses.” This article will explain what happens when this user right is turned off and on, and how to access it in BigTime.


Turn Off the User Right: Allow User To Edit Approved Time/Expenses

When this user right is TURNED OFF, the manager, who reviews and approves staffers’ time and expenses, cannot edit a staffer’s submitted hours in Review/Approvals. As a result, the numerical values in the HOURS column will no longer be hyperlinked, which prevents the manager from editing time entry details.


A Work-Around

However, there’s a work-around for managers to make edits when this setting is turned off—if he has access to the Staff List and/or Project List. We’ll explain how to make edits from both locations, starting with the Staff List.

Select a staffer from the Staff List (MY COMPANY...STAFF LIST).This will take you to the Staff Dashboard for that staffer. Then, click TIMESHEET HISTORY, the tab near the top of the window, and click on a hyperlinked date range.


A new window will populate with the staffer’s timesheet history for the date range selected. Click on the hyperlinked number under the HOURS column and a new window will populate and you can make edits.


Remember to click SAVE to save any changes.

Alternatively, a manager can edit submitted time from the Project List. Navigate to the Project List (MY COMPANY....PROJECT LIST), and select a project.

Once you’re on the Project Dashboard, click on the tab with the three dots located near the top-right of the dashboard. A picklist will generate, and you’ll select TIME/EXPENSE HISTORY.


Click on the hyperlinked numerical value in the INPUT column, which will take you to a new window.


Then, click on a value under the HOURS column, and a new window will populate where you can edit submitted hours.


Remember to click SAVE to save any changes.

Turn On the User Right: Allow User To Edit Approved Time/Expenses

When this user right is TURNED ON, the manager can edit staffers’ time in PENDING APPROVALS. Activating this user right hyperlinks the values that appear in the HOURS column, allowing managers to access and edit time entry details.


Remember to click SAVE to save any changes you make.

Accessing “Allow Users To Edit Approved Time/Expenses”

Follow the steps below to access this user right:



2. Select the security group you’d like to edit.


3. Find the user right called ALLOW USER TO EDIT APPROVED TIME/EXPENSES. Turn this user right on or off.


4. Save your work by clicking SAVE CHANGES.

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