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Setting Up a Project Creation User Group

Just as with time/expense review, not all users can create projects. To give other staffers (besides system administrators) this ability within BigTime, you should establish and add users to a security group with permission to either: a) create and view all projects or b) create projects but view only those projects on which they’re a team member. For users with restricted project view, it’s important to note that you will also need to make sure they’re properly added to project teams in order to be able to view those projects.

Creating a User Group That Can View Any Project

1. Select MY COMPANY...USER RIGHTS on the navigation bar to access your Security Groups settings.

2. Click the ADD NEW GROUP button to create your new user group.

3. Select the ON button next to: “View project list menu,” “View/Manage any project,” and “Allow user to add projects.” These permissions will give access to users to create projects and also view any projects for the firm, regardless of if they created the project or not.

4. Name your user group. Be sure to name your new security group in a way that’s easily identifiable, and click SAVE to create it.

5. Give users access to the group. You can do this by selecting the staffer from your staff list, by clicking MY COMPANY...STAFF LIST. From the Users tab of the staffer’s profile, place a checkmark next to the new security group. Click SAVE to apply your update.


Creating a User Group With a Limited Project View

If you’d like to allow staffers to create projects but only be able to view projects on teams to which they belong, there are couple of differences in the way you’ll do that.

First, you should follow the same steps for creating a new security group as above, but limit permissions to only: “View project list menu” and “Allow user to add projects.”


You will then add the pertinent staffers to this security group. As a system administrator, you could manually add these staffers to project teams in order for these projects to appear on their individual Project Lists. You can learn about that process by reading Using Project Teams.

A more efficient approach, however, would be to advise staffers in this group to add themselves to the project team when they create that project, by simply placing a checkmark next to “Check here to add yourself to this client team.”


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