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Creating an Invoicing User Group

Invoice-drafting capabilities are given to system administrators by default, but you can also give this access to other users in your firm, such as financial administrators. To do this, you can create a user group with the appropriate security settings to draft invoices.

1. Select MY COMPANY...USER RIGHTS on the navigation bar. This will take you to the Security Groups settings page.

2. Click the ADD NEW GROUP button at the bottom right side of the screen.

3. Create a name for your security group. Enter a name for your new group in the text box next to “Security Group.”

4. Select the ON button next to “Financial Administrator” and “Create New Invoices.” These are the minimum permissions necessary in order to draft invoices.

5. Click the SAVE button to create this group.
After you’ve created the group, make sure to grant users access to it by selecting the user from MY COMPANY...STAFF LIST and clicking on the USERS tab. From there, place a checkmark next to the security group, and click SAVE CHANGES to update the staffer’s permissions.

TIP: Make Sure Staffers Have Project Access for Invoicing

The above security rights only grant individuals (added to the group) access to the invoicing area of the system. To allow your staffers to create invoices for specific projects, or have the ability to view time/expenses for other individuals in order to invoice those hours, you will need to activate other permissions to do so.

You can ensure they have access to specific projects by using project teams or giving management authority over a specific department. Alternatively, you can give users the security right to “View/manage any project” and “View/manage any staffer” to avoid the need to manually add staffers to project teams or set permissions to manage certain staffers.

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