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Creating a Time/Expense Review User Group

System administrators can review time and expenses for all users, but this review/approval privilege can also be given to select individuals like managers and team leads. This article explains the process for establishing a user group with these review and approval rights and how to assign department or project managers to this specific group.


Creating a User Group With Review/Approval Rights

1. Select MY COMPANY...USER RIGHTS on the navigation bar. This will take you to the Security Groups settings page.

2. Click the ADD NEW GROUP button at the bottom right side of the screen.

3. Create a name for your security group. Enter a name for your new group in the text box at the top of the window.

4. Click on the REVIEW + APPROVAL tab to view all your approval rights options. Select the ON button next to "View Management Review/Approval" and "User has review/approval authority." These are the minimum permissions required in order for users to receive time/expense review and approval authority. You can also activate the "View/Edit Invoice Details" permission if you want members of this user group to be able to view invoice details when approving invoices. Finally, the "Approve Personal Time/Expenses" permission will let members of this user group review and approve their own time and expenses. By default, staffers or managers won't be able to approve their own timesheets or expenses, so you need to turn this permission on if you'd like them to have the ability to self-approve.

5. Click the SAVE button to create the group.

6. Select a staffer from your staff list. Now select a staffer to add to this group by navigating to MY COMPANY...STAFF LISTfrom the menu bar. 

5. Click on the USER RIGHTS tab. Place a check mark next to the security group you just created, and click SAVE to update the staffer's permissions.

There are still a couple of other steps to complete in addition to creating your time/expense review and approval security group and assigning the right user(s) to the group. Make sure to take a look at these articles that explain the settings designated users must have in place for review and approval of certain projects and/or staffers.


  • I HAVE TIME/EXPENSE REVIEW AND APPROVAL ACCESS, BUT WHY CAN'T I SEE A CERTAIN PROJECT FOR WHICH I'M RESPONSIBLE? Along with access to the right security group, you will need access to the project(s) you manage. Make sure that you're added to the project team as a team lead. Read more about using project teams.
  • I AM A DEPARTMENT MANAGER, BUT I CAN'T SEE TIME OR EXPENSES FOR USERS THAT I MANAGE. WHY IS THAT? To review time/expenses for staffers you manage, you need access to the right security group and will also need to be given permission to manage those staffers. This is achieved by ensuring that staffers you manage are added to the right department, and that you are given management authority to that department from within your staffer profile. Read more about department security here.  
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