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Entering Expenses in BigTime

Staffers can enter reimbursable or non-reimbursable expenses, such as service fees or corporate card expenses, in BigTime. Plus, staffers can indicate whether or not an expense is billable to the client.

This article explains several different expense types BigTime supports and directs you to additional articles for more information.

Table Of Contents

Reimbursable vs. Non-Reimbursable Expenses
Service Fees
Corporate Credit Card Expenses
Categorizing Expenses
Admins Can Add Expenses for Others
Add Expenses in Mobile App


  • Expenses in BigTime are either reimbursable or non-reimbursable, which determines whether or not the staffer will get refunded for an expense.
  • Staffers must include an expense type for each entered expense. Expense types, which are often referred to as expense codes, categorize the expense. Examples may include R&D, office expenses, and travel. These values are found in a picklist when staffers enter a new expense.
  • System admins can customize expense codes by adding values relevant to their firm. They can also indicate if a value is a unit expense, such as mileage.

Reimbursable vs. Non-Reimbursable Expenses

A reimbursable expense is when an employee makes a purchase and they’re refunded for it. Examples can include travel (cab fare, airline ticket, and gas mileage) and education (conference or online courses). These expenses may or may not be billed to the client. Expenses that aren’t billed to the client are called non-billable expenses.

A non-reimbursable expense, such as a client meal, means the staffer won’t get money back for the incurred expense. The client may or may not be billed, but the expense is still added to BigTime for accounting purposes. Staffers note this type of expense by checking the dialog box next to the phrase, “This item is non-reimbursable,” when creating a new expense.


Service Fees

A service fee is a type of non-reimbursable expense, such as a hosting fee for an IT firm or an equipment rental at a law firm, and the staffer won’t get money back. Although these fees aren’t converted into a bill, they’re still added to BigTime for accounting purposes.

Corporate Credit Card Expenses

These expenses are purchases staffers make with a corporate credit card. They are not reimbursable to the staffer. For example, say Joe Smith uses the corporate credit card to pay for a meal with a client. He’ll enter the expense in BigTime, and mark it as non-reimbursable by checking the box on the expense window: “This item is non-reimbursable,” as noted above. Then, Joe will specify the corporate credit card used.

System admins can add credit cards to BigTime and can designate which staffers have access to the card, or they can give access to everyone. Click here to learn more.

Categorizing Expenses

All staffers must choose an expense type when entering expenses. Expense types, which are also referred to as expense codes in BigTime, categorize the expense. Examples can include travel, entertainment, and general office expenses.

System admins, and those with certain user rights, can customize expense codes by adding values relevant to their firm. They can also make unit expenses, such as mileage. Staffers who select mileage as an expense will be prompted to enter the number of miles and the total cost is calculated for them.

Click here to watch a video on how to create customized expense entries in BigTime.

Admins Can Add Expenses for Others

Admins and staffers with the appropriate user rights have the ability to submit expenses on behalf of others. Click TIME/EXPENSE...EXPENSES to access the expense feature in BigTime.


On the top-right corner of the window, you'll see a box where you can mark the staffer you're filing expenses for. Click on the gray arrow and a picklist will populate. Select the staffer who you’d like to submit an expense for; then, create and submit the expense.




Add Expenses in Mobile App

Did you know you can easily add business expenses through the mobile app?

Search for "BigTime Mobile" in the Google Play or Apple App Store to get started with the mobile app. You'll be prompted to log in once you download and open the app. Your login credentials on mobile will be the same ones you use to access BigTime on desktop.

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