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Activate the Project Monthly Fee Calculator

BigTime’s Project Monthly Fee Invoice Calculator enables you to invoice on your monthly budgets in Resource Allocation for projects that are set to the Project Budget style. 

You can invoice monthly budgets either manually or automatically. But first, if you're manually invoicing, then you need to activate the Project Monthly Fee Calculator. This article will show you how.

Note: Keep in mind that this calculator is only for Premier users because it uses Resource Allocation, which is a Premier-level feature. So if you're a Premier use and want to use this calculator, make sure that you select PROJECT BUDGET under the BUDGET STYLE header, located under the DETAILS tab for your project. 



1. Click INVOICING...CONFIGURE from your navigation bar.


2. Select CALCULATORS from the upper tabs. 


3. Find the PROJECT MONTHLY FEE calculator and click the ON button.


4. Click SAVE to save your selection. 


Now you’re ready to use this calculator to create an invoice manually or automatically.  

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