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System Boundary

System Boundary and Responsibilities

The BigTime SaaS Solution Services operate within a system boundary that defines the division of responsibilities and acceptable uses. Below is an outline of customer and BigTime responsibilities, as well as prohibited activities to ensure compliance and proper functioning of the platform.

Customer Responsibilities

As a customer, you agree to:

  • Comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including copyright law, when using the Site and Services.
  • Ensure your activities within the Site and Services do not interfere with its proper functioning or security.
  • Use the Site content and Services only for their intended purposes and in a manner consistent with these Terms and any applicable Access Service Agreement.

Prohibited activities include (but are not limited to):

  • Removing, altering, or obscuring copyright, trademark, or proprietary notices on the Site or any content not owned by you.
  • Circumventing, disabling, or interfering with security features of the Site or Services.
  • Using automated tools (e.g., bots, spiders) or manual processes to monitor, copy, or “scrape” Site content without express written permission, except for basic search engines or traffic counters.
  • Uploading or distributing malicious code (e.g., viruses, worms, spyware).
  • Forging network headers (e.g., TCP/IP packet headers) for malicious purposes.
  • Collecting or harvesting personal information from the Site or Services (e.g., user credentials, email addresses).
  • Interfering with Site or Services functionality (e.g., overloading, flooding, or disrupting network access).
  • Modifying, reverse-engineering, or decompiling any portion of the Site or Services.

BigTime Responsibilities

BigTime will:

  • Provide access to the Site and Services for their intended purposes and ensure they operate within industry-standard security and performance parameters.
  • Implement measures to detect and prevent activities that violate these Terms, such as the use of malicious code, interference with security features, or network disruptions.
  • Monitor usage and investigate any activity that may breach these Terms, including cooperating with customers during investigations as necessary.

Access to System Information

Information about the BigTime SaaS Solution Services system operations, boundaries, and configuration options is readily available to all customers through the platform’s website or portal. This ensures transparency and provides customers with the necessary understanding of the system to meet their own compliance and operational needs.

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