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Add a Labor Code Description in Timesheet Notes

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Adding a Labor Code Description Step-By-Step
Time Tracking in Mobile App

Adding a Labor Code Description Step-By-Step

When you go to MY COMPANY…FIELD VALUES and navigate to the BASIC CODES tab, you’ll see a list of all your existing labor codes and can add new ones as you see fit. For every labor code you create for your firm, you’ll have the option to fill out a description field outlining details and general information about your labor code.


If you want, you can opt to include labor code descriptions in timesheet notes when labor code is selected in a time entry. This option makes sense if you want to give your clients a more detailed view of the tasks your staffers have been working on, or if you want to keep track of those details for your own records. The steps below will show you how to configure your labor codes so they’ll appear in timesheet notes.

1. Navigate to MY COMPANY…FIELD VALUES from your main navigation bar,


2. Go to the BASIC CODES tab and open the CATEGORIES sub-tab. You’ll see a list of all your existing labor codes. 


3. Find the labor code you want to edit in the list and click on it to open its settings. You’ll see these settings on the right side of your window.


4. Scroll down in your labor code’s settings to find the DESCRIPTION field. Fill out relevant details about your labor code here. Below this field you’ll see a list of other options for your labor code, including one labeled Add Description to Time Entry Notes. Check off the box next to this option. 


5. Click SAVE at the bottom of this window to save your edits. 


Now, you’ll see your labor code’s description appear if you select that labor code when you’re editing a time entry. This field isn’t locked, and you can add or edit the info here if you wish.



Time Tracking in Mobile App

Did you know you can track time right from the mobile app?

Search for "BigTime Mobile" in the Google Play or Apple App Store to get started with the mobile app. You'll be prompted to log in once you download and open the app. Your login credentials on mobile will be the same ones you use to access BigTime on desktop.

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