You can require staffers to add certain details to their timesheets, like notes, add a budget category ID, or payroll item.
This article will show you how to:
*Access detail fields,
*Add a detail field, and
*Make a detail field required.
Let’s first get to your timesheet.
1. Click TIME/EXPENSE...TIMESHEETS from your navigation bar.
2. Click the GEAR icon near the top right corner of your window.
You’ll find Detail Fields at the bottom of your window. Add a new field by clicking on the hyperlink: +ADD DETAIL FIELD. Several options will populate. Check the box(es) next to the field(s) that you want to add.
Then, click HIDE FIELD LIST to collapse the options from your view.
Make a field required by checking the respective box in the REQUIRED column. Doing so will make it mandatory for the staffer to add notes, for example. You can also customize the label. Just type into the textbox under the label column.
3. Click UPDATE TIMESHEET FORMAT to save your changes.