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How To Assign Multiple Skills At Once

If you don’t want to assign skills to a staffer one by one, it’s possible to bulk assign multiple skills at once. This is a good option for system admins who want to save time or assign a large number of skills to staffers. 

NOTE: This article, and all other articles in the Skills Matching section, explain how to use BigTime's basic skills matching features. If you need a more advanced tool for skills management that also lets you manage time off and utilization, talk to your customer support person about adopting BigTime's resource management module, BigTime Foresight. You can learn more about this module by visiting the BigTime Foresight section of our Knowledge Base.

To assign multiple skills to a staffer, click on that staffers name in your STAFF LIST and go to their SKILLS tab.

In the top right corner, you’ll find a button labeled ADD MULTIPLE SKILLS. Click on this button.

You’ll be redirected to a new screen where you can bulk assign skills to your staffer. On one side of this screen you’ll see all your AVAILABLE SKILLS that haven’t yet been assigned. On the other side, you’ll see your SELECTED SKILLS, or skills you’ve already assigned to your staffer. 

Right above your AVAILABLE SKILLS section are four tabs labeled SKILL, CERTIFICATION, LANGUAGE and OTHERS. These tabs organize your available skills by type – you can toggle between them to see the skills that fall under each type. You will be taken to the SKILL tab here by default. But if, for instance, you want to assign language skills to your staffer, you can click the LANGUAGE tab to view those specific skills.

You can now start quick-adding skills to your staffer’s SELECTED SKILLS section. To do so, just click the + sign next to each skill you want to assign. 

In this example, we’ve chosen to assign the Communication, Consulting and Competitor Research skills to our staffer. We clicked the + sign next to each skill, and now they appear in our SELECTED SKILLS section.

If you want to remove any skills from this section, you can do so by clicking the X icon next to that skill.

Above the AVAILABLE SKILLS section, next to your staffer’s name, is a search bar. If your firm has a lot of skills, you can type into this search bar to scan through them all and find the skills you need.

In the case that you want to add a skill that doesn’t yet exist, you can click the ADD NEW SKILL button on the right side of your screen. This will take you to your Skill List, where you can add and manage your skills.

After you’ve made your selections, you can save your changes by clicking the SAVE CHANGES button at the bottom of this window. 

Your staffer will now be assigned to the multiple skills you selected. They'll appear in the list on their SKILLS tab. You can always go back to this page and add more skills, or remove certain skills altogether later on.

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