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User Permissions with Skills Matching

A staffer’s ability to add, edit or delete skills from BigTime is determined by the user rights that staffer has been granted. System admins have the power to create security groups and to grant access privileges to specific staffers within the USER RIGHTS window (MY COMPANY…USER RIGHTS). 

When you add a new security group or drill into the details of an existing group, you’ll see a list of user rights categories. You can expand each of these categories to see individual user rights that fall under them by clicking one of the + signs next to a category. There is an entire user rights category labeled SKILLS. Under this category are two subcategories: SKILL LIST and STAFF SKILLS

The SKILL LIST category covers all the user rights a staffer would need to take actions within the Skill List. Those user rights are:

  • View Skill List 
  • Manage Skill List 
  • Allow user to delete Skills

The STAFF SKILLS category contains all user rights a staffer would need to access and manage skills for other staffers. Those user rights are:

  • View Staff Skills 
  • Manage Staff Skills 
  • Allow user to remove Staff Skills

If you are a system admin, you are free to configure skills-specific user rights in any way makes sense for them. For example, a system admin could grant their finance team the ability to view their firm’s skill list, but not give them the ability to edit or delete skills from that list. At any time, you could open the settings for any security group and turn skills permissions off or on. It's all up to you and what your firm needs.

NOTE: This article, and all other articles in the Skills Matching section, explain how to use BigTime's basic skills matching features. If you need a more advanced tool for skills management that also lets you manage time off and utilization, talk to your customer support person about adopting BigTime's resource management module, BigTime Foresight. You can learn more about this module by visiting the BigTime Foresight section of our Knowledge Base.

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