You’ve activated Skills Matching and set the necessary permissions. Now you’re ready to add skills specifically for your firm. This article walks you through the process.
NOTE: This article, and all other articles in the Skills Matching section, explain how to use BigTime's basic skills matching features. If you need a more advanced tool for skills management that also lets you manage time off and utilization, talk to your customer support person about adopting BigTime's resource management module, BigTime Foresight. You can learn more about this module by visiting the BigTime Foresight section of our Knowledge Base.
Click MY COMPANY...SKILLS from your navigation bar.
There are two ways to add a skill from this window: manually add a skill or import skills via a CSV file.
Manually Create a Skill
To manually create a skill, click ADD SKILL near the top left corner of your window.
A new window will pop up where you can enter the relevant information about the skill you’re adding.
Here’s what you need to know:
* Skill name- the name of the skill you want to add.
* Skill type- contains a static list -- skill, certification, language, other -- to categorize the skill that you’re adding. For example, if you’re adding Python as a skill, then language would refer to a programming language.
* Skill category- contains a list that you can configure. It’s another way to group and organize the skills that you create. For example, you may have items such as operations, design, and human resources. The items in this list will be different for each firm. These fields can be created under My Company...Field Values.
* Rating- check this box if you want to rate a staffer based on the skill that you’re creating. Say you’re adding Excel as your skill. Then, if you select this rating option, you can rate staffers on a scale of 1 to 5 to indicate their Excel skill. However, if you’re adding a certification for a Master’s Degree, for example, then you probably don’t need to include a rating. You either have this degree or you don’t.
* Expires- this option is ideal for certifications. For example, some certifications expire and need to be renewed.
* Roles- the items in this list give you the opportunity to add a default role, which are found on the Staff Dashboard for a staffer. This is a useful option to choose from if you’re adding a skill where many people within a role will need this particular skill. That way, the skill is automatically added to the staffer’s Skill List.
NOTE: Go to MY COMPANY...FIELD VALUES...TEAM ROLE to add roles to a project team. The changes you make here will be reflected on the Staff Dashboard for a staffer.
* Description- any details about the skill you want to add.
Click save to ADD to finish creating your new skill.
Import Skills
The second way to add skills is to upload a CSV file. Click IMPORT CSV on your Skill List to import multiple skills at once.
A window will pop up for you to select the file you want to import. Download the CSV template hyperlinked on the right side of the window to use to upload your skills into BigTime. Using the template will ensure you are filling in the necessary fields for a successful import.
Once you've created your file in accordance with the template provided by BigTime, you can upload it by clicking the CHOOSE A FILE button and selecting your file.
After selecting the right file, click IMPORT SKILLS to finish uploading.