This article will explain how to use two of the tabs within the Staff Dashboard:
- User Rights, where you determine a staffer's rights in BigTime. That is, what a staffer can see and access.
- Contact Info, where you can add contact details about a staffer.
This article will explain both tabs.
User Rights
The User Rights tab is where you’ll apply a staffer to a security group, like IT, management, or billing. A security group determines how much a staffer can see and access in BigTime. System admins typically set up these groups when first starting out with BigTime.
For example, Ben is a manager and you want him to have managerial rights in BigTime. After creating a “Manager” user rights group, we’d check the box next to “Managers.” System admins can add and edit these groups by clicking Edit.
Select Management Authority
You can also determine the managerial authority for a staffer.
Many BigTime users apply staffers to departments, like sales or editorial. Then, system admins can give select staffers authority to oversee certain departments. The User Rights tab is where you determine which departments a staffer will oversee.
Our staffer, Ben, oversees the editorial and writing departments. So we’ll check the boxes next to these departments (see image below). Now Ben can view, edit, and approve timesheets and expenses logged by staffers in these specific departments.
System admins can add and edit values by clicking EDIT.
Once you’ve made your selections, click SAVE CHANGES to save your work.
Contact Info
Click on the CONTACT INFO tab, located on the gray navigation bar, to add contact details about your staffer.
The staffer’s email address automatically populates in this window, but you can edit it. You can also add an address, multiple phone numbers, and additional notes to keep on file.
Click SAVE CHANGES to save your work.