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Adding New Users to BigTime

This article will show you how to invite new users to BigTime.



  • Invite new users to BigTime from the Staff List.
  • Send an invite, by clicking the Invite hyperlink on the Staff Dashboard, and a user will receive an email with next steps.
  • Resend the invite, if the user doesn’t receive it.


Follow these steps to add new users to BigTime from your Staff List.


1. Navigate to your Staff List by clicking MY COMPANY...STAFF LIST.

2. Click on the name of a staffer, hyperlinked on the left-side of your STAFF LIST. Easily see which staffers aren’t invited to BigTime under the ACCOUNT STATUS column.



3. Click on a hyperlinked staffer name to open the staffer's settings. Under the BASIC INFO tab, your staffer's PRIMARY CONTACT INFO will be located at the top. Click the option to send an email invite, which is hyperlinked next to ACCOUNT STATUS


4. When you click that hyperlink, a window will open asking if you'd like to email an invite. Click the YES button. 



Once you invite your staffer, their account status will change from "pending" to "active" once they've accepted their email invite. After the staffer clicks on the link in the invitation, they can set up their BigTime password and start using the system.


Note: You can resend an invite by repeating the steps above.


Adding and Inviting a New Staffer to Bigtime

If you’d like to add a new staffer to your Staff List, click on the ADD STAFF button located near the top-left of your window. A new window will pop up with details you can add about that staffer.

add staffer.gif

Click on the white triangle next to the ADD button at the lower right-hand corner. A picklist will pop up with two options:

  • Click ADD to add the staffer to your Staff List.
  • Click ADD+INVITE to add the staffer and automatically send an email invitation.

Note: Before sending email invites to your staffers, it's a good idea to make sure your project details and user rights are fully set up to avoid confusion later on.


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