Default roles are like broad project categories, such as project manager or team lead, that you can add staffers to on their Staff Dashboard. Though optional, you’ll greatly benefit from them because default roles are used throughout Bigtime, including when reporting, using the Utilization Dashboard and allocating resources.
This article shows you how to add a default role to a staffer. Then, it highlights the many places you can use default roles in BigTime.
Add a Default Role
Follow the steps below to add a default role to a staffer’s dashboard.
1. Click MY COMPANY...STAFF LIST to get to your list of staffers.
2. Click on a staffer’s name, and you’ll be directed to the “Basic Info” tab on that staffer’s Staff Dashboard.
3. Find the header DEFAULT ROLE, and click on the GRAY ARROW in the textbox beneath this header.
4. Select a role from the picklist of options that populates.
5. Click SAVE CHANGES to save your work.
Follow this process for your other staffers. Then, you’ll be ready to use default roles throughout BigTime, which we explain next.
Use a Default Role
Find out how you can use default roles in BigTime.
Resource Allocation
Use default roles when allocating resources to find out who’s available to take on the amount of work that you’re allocating for.
In your Resource Allocation Editor, click VIEW BY STAFF MEMBER.
You’ll see your default roles in green (eg, project manager) and a “suggestions” option at the end of the tasks listed for the role. Click on the GRAY ARROW next to suggestions (see image below).
You’ll see a list of people who have that role and have the free capacity to take on the workload you’re allocating for. Click on the + symbol to allocate the workload to the staffer.
Utilization Dashboard
The Staff Role picklist on the Utilization Dashboard filters by the staffer’s default role along with any other filters you’ve selected. If the staffer doesn’t have a default role, then they won’t be pulled into the data displayed in the Utilization Dashboard when the filter is used.