See and edit a staffer’s expense submissions in the Expense Reports tab, located on the Staff Dashboard. This article will explain how to access and use the Expense History tab.
Access the Expense Reports Tab
Click the EXPENSE tab within a staffer’s dashboard.
This tab shows you the expense report name, submission date, status, and amount.
Expense Report Functions
Now, we’ll explain several features available within this tab.
See, Delete, and Edit Expense Report Details
- See additional details about the staffer’s expense history. Click an expense report title, which is hyperlinked under the column header “Expense Report.”
Now we can see details about Charlie Brown’s expenses on December 14.
Delete expenses. Check the boxes next to the name of the project that you want to delete. Then, click on the white triangle next to “Bulk Actions” and select DELETE from the picklist. BigTime will prompt you with a question box to make sure you want to delete the selected expense entries. Click YES to delete them.
Edit an expense entry. Click on a numerical value under the COST column. A new window will pop up and you can make your edits.
Customize Your Expense Report View
Click on the gear icon to add or remove fields to the expense history. Check or uncheck the boxes next to the field names and click APPLY to apply your changes.
Filter the Information in Each Column
Click the FUNNEL icon, located by the GEAR icon.
A triangle will appear next to each column in the staffers’ expense history. Click on the triangle in a specific field to use the filter. For example, click the triangle in the “Date” column and select the dates you want BigTime to filter.
To remove the column filters, click on the FUNNEL icon (next to the GEAR icon) and click the button labeled CLEAR.