A service fee is a type of non-reimbursable expense, such as a hosting fee for an IT firm or an equipment rental at a law firm. This expense doesn’t have a corresponding payable, so the staffer won’t get money back.
Staffers add service fees to BigTime to keep billing unified. Service fees are added just like a staffer reimbursable fee, but they’re not converted into a bill. In this article, we’ll show system admins how to setup service fees.
2. Select EXPENSE CODES, and you’ll see a list of expense codes. You can create a new expense code for non-reimbursable expenses, or you may have already created a code that’ll be designated for this purpose.
3. Click on one code from the list, and you’ll see a detail view of the code on the right side of the window.
4. Check the last box that says “This code is a service fee."
5. Save your work by clicking the SAVE button.
Now employees can log service fee expenses in BigTime.