In order to enter credit card charges in BigTime, system administrators must first activate credit card entry. Once this process is complete, staffers will see credit cards (available to them) and can enter and submit credit card charges by following these steps.
Step by Step: Entering Credit Card Charges
1. Select TIME/EXPENSE...EXPENSES from the navigation bar to go to the Expenses Dashboard.
2. Choose the ADD NEW EXPENSE button to open the Expense Details screen and add expense details, including uploading receipts if applicable.
3. Click the hyperlink to specify a credit card, and make sure that you have the box checked next to “This is a non-reimbursable expense.” This will take you to a screen with all the expense details entered on the previous screen, but with one key difference: the credit card picklist.
4. Choose the credit card from the picklist and click SAVE to record the credit card charge.
To enter additional expenses or submit expenses for review, refer to the processes laid out in Creating a New Expense Entry and Submitting Expenses to help with next steps.
- WHY DON’T I SEE ANY OPTIONS FROM THE CREDIT CARD PICKLIST? Your firm’s administrator needs to grant you access to select and enter charges against corporate credit cards. This process is detailed in Activating Credit Card Entry.
- I NEED TO LINK A CREDIT CARD CHARGE TO A TASK, BUT THERE ARE NO TASKS TO CHOOSE FROM ON THE EXPENSE DETAILS FORM. Ask your administrator to add this field to the Expense Details form. They can find information on this process from Customizing Expense Entry.