Add values to the Staff Department category in order to specify the department your staffer belongs to, like editorial or engineering.
Note: “Staff Department” may have a different name in your BigTime environment, depending on your lexicon settings.
In this article, we’ll explain how to add and/or edit Staff Department values. Plus, we’ll show you where you’ll use this field in BigTime.
Add Staff Department Values
First, we’ll show you where and how to add Staff Department values.
2. Click FIELD VALUES...STAFF DEPT to add values to this field.
3. Click ADD NEW VALUE to add another value to your current list.
To edit an existing value, just click on it and make your edits on the right-side of the window.
4. Add details about your new value on the right-side of the window.
5. Click SAVE+NEW to save your work. Doing so will also allow you to add more values, if you wish.
Now that you know how to add values to this category, let’s see where you can access it in BigTime.
Use Staff Department in Bigtime
Find the Staff Department values you created on your Staff Dashboard.
Get to your Staff Dashboard by clicking MY COMPANY...STAFF LIST. Select a staffer from your list of staffers on the left-side of the window. The Staff Department value you created is under STAFF ROLE, near the bottom of the window. Click on the red triangle in the field under STAFF ROLE and a picklist with your Staff Department values will appear.
Once you’ve selected a value, click SAVE CHANGES near the bottom-right of your window to save your work.
Apply “staff role” to the custom reports you create. Then, you can see at a glance the departments that are being over and/or underutilized.