When users are done entering expenses, they can choose which expenses get submitted for review in a single expense report. An expense report is simply a collection of expense entries. Think of submitting an expense report in BigTime as an electronic way of handing in expenses for review by your Financial Administrator.
Step by Step: Submit Expenses
Once you're done entering your expenses, follow these steps to get your expense report submitted.
1. Click EXPENSES under the TIME/EXPENSE tab on the navigation bar. This will take you to your expense entry/history screen.
2. Click on the UNSUMBITTED EXPENSES hyperlink at the top left of your view. Here you will find a list of expenses you have not yet submitted.
3. Click on the blue button that says SUBMIT EXPENSES at the bottom of the page. This will take you to a screen where you can name your report.
4. Give your expense report a name. You can elect to select specific expenses to include by checking off the box next to "Allow me to select the expenses I'd like to include." If you choose to handpick the expenses for inclusion in one expense report, checkboxes will appear next to each expense detail. Select the expenses that you want to include in the report by clicking the checkbox next to the expense.
You can also leave this box unchecked to submit all unsubmitted expenses.
5. Click SUBMIT EXPENSES. Once you've clicked this button, your report will be sent up for review and is available only for viewing from your Expense History screen.
Refer to Viewing Submitting Expenses for instructions on accessing and viewing submitted expenses. - HOW CAN I PRINT SUBMITTED EXPENSES?
Read Printing Expense Reports to learn about printing options. - HOW CAN I EDIT A SUBMITTED EXPENSE?
Once expenses are submitted, they cannot be edited by the end user unless they are rejected and sent back. Your Administrator or Financial Administrator can edit your submitted expenses on your behalf from within your staff profile by navigating to MY COMPANY...STAFF LIST, clicking on your name, and drilling into your expense reports to click into any cost amounts. - IS THERE A WAY TO COPY A PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED EXPENSE?
Absolutely. Navigate to TIME/EXPENSE...EXPENSES and click into a submitted expense report name. Click on a detail of this report and you’ll have the option to COPY EXPENSES. - HOW WILL I KNOW WHEN MY EXPENSES ARE APPROVED?
You can view your submitted expenses on your Expenses Dashboard by clicking on TIME/EXPENSE...EXPENSES in the menu bar. A status will appear next to each expense in the Status column. For more details on understanding the status of your submitted expenses, read Expense Review and Approval.