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Applying Time to Internal Projects in Timesheets

Now that you’ve set up an internal project, let’s see what it looks like to apply hours to this project in your timesheet.

Note: The system admin may need to grant rights to staffers in order for them to see internal projects. Click here to learn how to adjust staffer rights.

This is what you do to apply time to your internal projects.

1. Click TIME/EXPENSE...TIMESHEETS to access your timesheet.


2. Click the ADD TIMESHEET ROW button located near the top-left side of your screen.



3. Click the red triangle under “project” and find your internal project. Or you can start typing the name of the project into the text box and the results will populate.


Your firm’s timesheet may look different, based on the timesheet settings or subscription level.

4. Fill in any remaining details to your timesheet, then click SAVE to submit your hours.


TIP: Using Internal Projects in Reports

You can add internal projects to the reports you create in BigTime. Reports can be filtered to include or exclude time for internal projects.

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