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Invoice Features To Use With Invoice Review and Approvals

Preview an invoice in your different invoice templates and take a snapshot of them. Then, see who still needs to review an invoice. These are just a few of the features that are helpful to use with invoice approvals. This article will explain the invoice features that’ll help you get the most from invoice review and approvals.

NOTE: This article assumes that you know how to draft an invoice.

First, get to an existing invoice draft or draft a new one. Your window should look like this:


Now let’s take a closer look at the features that’ll help you with invoice review and approvals.

Preview an Invoice

Click on the PREVIEW tab to preview the invoice you’ve drafted in your various templates.


In the image above, we’re previewing the invoice using our MMM Media template. However, it’s easy to preview the invoice in a different template on this window. This saves time because we don’t have to export the invoice multiple times in order to see what the invoice looks like before it’s sent to the client.

To change templates, click the GRAY ARROW next to the text box and a picklist will populate (see image below).


Select a different template and preview the invoice.

Take a Snapshot

Click on the SNAPSHOT button to save a copy of the invoice. Then, change templates and take another snapshot.


All of your snapshots will appear hyperlinked on the right-side of your window.


Here are a few points to know about snapshots:

  • The snapshot hyperlink shows when (time and date) the snapshot was taken.
  • Administrators and whoever took the snapshot can delete a snapshot.
  • A “more” button will appear if there are more than ten snapshots.
  • When you email an invoice from BigTime, BigTime will automatically create a snapshot of the invoice.

Printer Icon

Email an invoice from BigTime to your client. Click the INVOICE DETAIL tab, then click the PRINTER icon. A list of your templates will populate.


BigTime remembers your most recently selected invoice template. But you can easily toggle to a different one.

Forward To Review

Click the hyperlink FORWARD TO REVIEW on a drafted invoice to start the invoice review process. This notifies reviewers that an invoice needs to be reviewed.


See Review Status

Once the review process is started, see the invoice review status on the drafted invoice. A list of the reviewers will display on the sidebar, with an icon next to their name:

  • Question mark: no one has reviewed the invoice.
  • Green checkmark: the reviewer approves the invoice.
  • Red “x”: the reviewer rejects the invoice.


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