BigTime helps managers stay on top of time review with notifications about entries that need to be checked. Managers can also set up notifications for staffers when entries need to be corrected and resubmitted. System admins must first activate notifications for the firm, and then staffers and managers alike will be able to receive notices from a couple of areas in the system.
Correction Notifications From the Timesheets Area
It’s possible that not all time entries will be approved. In these cases, managers might send timesheets back to staffers for corrections. Staffers will likely be notified through their BigTime inbox, but they will also see a notice that corrections are necessary from the bottom of their Timesheets page.
For steps on resubmitting time entries for approval, read Editing/Resubmitting Rejected Time.
Notices From the Bigtime Inbox
Staffers can be alerted via their BigTime inbox when timesheet submissions have been rejected. They can follow a link directly to the entries that need attention from their inbox notices. Similarly, managers can receive inbox notifications when they have entries to approve.
Read more about establishing and editing notices (customizing the message that appears within review/approval notices) for staffers and managers, set up any BigTime notices to be forwarded to Slack, and take a tour of the BigTime inbox, from the following links:
Slack Integration with BigTime
Email Notifications From Bigtime
All users in BigTime have the option of forwarding notifications to the email address used to set up their BigTime accounts. This is a setting that can be turned on from each user’s profile settings. Read more about enabling email notifications from the BigTime inbox: Forwarding BigTime Notifications to Email.