If you accidentally approve a time or expense entry that you didn’t mean to approve, or realized that a time/expense entry contained errors only after approving it, you can clear the approval history for that entry and send it back to the Pending Approvals pool. There are two places where you can clear approval history: in the details page for a project, or in the details page for an individual staffer. Here’s a walkthrough of how you can clear approval history from both locations.
NOTE: If an approved time/expense entry has already been invoiced for, you won’t be able to clear its approval history.
Clearing Approval History from the Staff List
This is how you can clear the approval history for a time or expense entry submitted by a certain staffer in their details page.
1. Navigate to the staff list by clicking MY COMPANY…STAFF LIST from your main navigation bar.
2. Click on the hyperlinked name for the staffer whose time/expense entry you’d like to delete approval history for.
3. If you want to delete approval history for a time entry, click on the TIME tab. Next, click on a hyperlinked time frame to open all entries from that period.
Under the HOURS (INPUT) column, click on the hyperlink for the your chosen time entry.
Alternately, if you want to delete approval history for an expense entry, click on the EXPENSE tab and click on the date range your expense lands in.
Then, click the hyperlinked amount for that expense located under the COST column.
4. Whether you’ve selected a time entry or an expense entry, the pop-up window that appears after following the previous steps will look very similar.
Towards the bottom of that pop-up window you’ll see a field labeled REVISION NOTES. To the right of this field is a hyperlink labeled CLEAR APPROVAL HISTORY. Click this hyperlink.
5. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm your decision to clear approval history for this time/expense entry. Click YES to continue.
This pop-up window will automatically close and the entry will be returned to the PENDING APPROVALS pool.
Clearing Approval History from the Project List
It’s also possible to clear the approval history for time/expense entries logged toward specific projects by opening a project in the Project List. Here are the steps you’ll need to follow.
1. Navigate to your project list by clicking MY COMPANY…PROJECT LIST in your main navigation bar.
2. Open your chosen project by clicking on its name from your list of projects.
3. At the top of your project dashboard are a number of tabs. Click on the tab labeled FINANCIALS.
4. Here, you’ll see a list of all the time/expense entries logged towards your project. The amounts for each entry will be hyperlinked under the INPUT column. Find the hyperlink associated with the expense you want to clear approval history for and click on it.
5. You’ll be taken to a new page with more detailed information about that particular time/expense entry. Again, find the hyperlinked amount for that entry, which will be located under the HOURS (INPUT) column.
6. A pop-up window will appear where you can make edits to your time/expense entry. Again, find the hyperlink CLEAR APPROVAL HISTORY, located next to the REVISION NOTES field.
7. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm your decision to clear approval history for your time/expense entry. If you’re ready to proceed, click the blue YES button.
Your time/expense entry will now be returned to the PENDING APPROVALS pool.