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Make Staffers Inactive

System admins mark staffers as inactive if they’ve left the company or are gone for long periods of time, on sabbatical or parental leave for example. An inactive staffer won’t appear on the Staff List, nor will they be able to access BigTime. However, BigTime saves the historical data associated with inactive staffers, in case you want to reactivate them.

In this article, we’ll explain how to:

  • Create a status code associated with an inactive status.
  • Apply a status code with the inactive status to a staffer.
  • Reactivate an inactive staffer.

Create a Status Code With an Inactive Status

Status Codes in BigTime indicate the status of a staffer, such as active or terminated. These values also determine if a staffer is inactive. For example, you can create a Status Code called “parental leave” that’s associated with an inactive status. Follow the steps below to find out how.



2. Click STATUS CODES...STAFF MEMBER to access your status codes.


3. Mark a status code inactive. You can either create a new value by clicking +ADD NEW VALUE, or you can select an existing value and edit it. Either way, on the right side of the window check the dialog box ITEMS ATTACHED TO THIS STATUS ARE INACTIVE

In our example above, we made the “Parental Leave” value inactive. So when this value is applied to staffers, they’ll be marked as inactive.

4. Click SAVE to save your work.

Apply a Status Code to a Staffer

Now let’s apply the Status Code with the inactive status to a staffer.



2. Click on a staffer’s name, hyperlinked on the left-side of your window. This will take you to the Staff Dashboard.


3. Click the dropdown under STATUS, located near the top of the Basic Info window. A picklist will populate and you’ll select the value with the inactive status.

NOTE: Click on the hyperlink EDIT THESE VALUES, and BigTime will take you directly to the window to add/or edit Status Codes. 

4. Click SAVE CHANGES to save your work.


Reactivate an Inactive Staffer

There are two ways to reactivate an inactive staffer. One way is to access the Staff Dashboard, as explained above, and select a different value from the Status picklist—one that’s not associated with an inactive status.

A second way is to update the Status Code. Reference the steps above to access Status Codes. Once there, select the value that you want to reactivate. Then, uncheck the box ITEMS ATTACHED TO THIS STATUS ARE INACTIVE. Finally, click SAVE to save your changes.

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