Your BigTime inbox is a way to manage your work: the emails to send, calls to make, meetings to attend, and any miscellaneous notes to remind yourself or staffers about. Think of your BigTime inbox as an internal communication portal to streamline your personal workflow.
Your inbox contains notices and activities:
- Notices are system-generated reminders, such as timesheets that need to be reviewed.
- Activities are to-dos, like emails to send or meetings to attend. Create a to-do for yourself or for your staffers.
This article explains what your BigTime Inbox is and how it works.
- Think of your BigTime Inbox as your personal management system, where you can add to-dos, for yourself or your staffers. Then, customize your inbox view by “created date” (today, this week, or this month) or “type” (phone calls, emails, meetings, notes, or notifications).
- Unread notices or activities populate in your inbox and completed items disappear. Mark activities as “complete,” and they’ll move from your inbox to your archived list.
- You control your inbox. Staffers can subscribe or unsubscribe from system notices, delete assigned activity messages, and control whether their BigTime inbox is linked to their email. System admins can monitor individual user settings.
Access Your Bigtime Inbox
Click on the ENVELOPE ICON, located on your navigation bar, to access your BigTime inbox.
Now we can see our notifications and action items.
Click on an activity, like the meeting with MMM Media, and more information will populate on the right-side of your window.
Your Personal Management System
Customize the setup of your inbox, so it populates with the information that’s relevant to you. Organize your BigTime inbox by TYPE (eg, phone calls or emails) or CREATED DATE (eg, today, this week, or this month). Click the GRAY ARROW next to the FUNNEL ICON, and a picklist will appear. Select the appropriate option.
Compose an Activity
Create an activity for yourself or a staffer by clicking on the blue COMPOSE button, near the top-left corner of your window. Fill in the fields on the right-side of the window, and click SAVE to save your work and create the activity.
Receive a Notification
Notifications are system-generated reminders that show up in inboxes for staffers and managers. A staffer who has a rejected timesheet will receive a message in their inbox. Likewise, a manager who has approvals pending will get a message.
Most system notices have a link embedded inside, letting users jump right to the item(s) that need attention. System admins can turn notifications on or off, and they can customize the messages that get sent for each notice type.
Your inbox messages can also be sent to your email. That way, you’ll get notified of important activities even if you aren't logged into BigTime. Each staff member can set up their own email preference.
TIP: Integrate With Slack
Consider integrating BigTime with Slack. It’s one more way to notify staffers of actionable items and to keep payroll and billing timely.
Bulk Actions in Your Bigtime Inbox
Save yourself a few clicks and use the “select” feature to complete bulk actions. Click on the WHITE TRIANGLE NEXT TO THE WHITE BOX, near the top-left of your window to access this feature.
For example, SELECT ALL will select all of your notifications. Then, you can mark all messages as “read” or “complete,” for example, instead of marking each individual notification.
You can view activities by staffer or project. To view activities by staffer, navigate to your STAFF LIST (MY COMPANY...STAFF LIST) and select a staffer. Then, click the ACTIVITY tab and you’ll see all of the activities assigned to this staffer.
To view activities by project, navigate to your PROJECT LIST (MY COMPANY...PROJECT LIST), and select a project. Then, click the ACTIVITY tab and you’ll see all of the activities assigned to this staffer.