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Managing and Organizing Reports

The new Report Center has been enhanced for greater customization. Personalize your Report Center with the ability to create custom folders for your reports, rename folders, and delete any folders you are not using. You can also organize your most useful reports with the Favorite Reports folder. To utilize these enhancements, System Administrators should ensure the Report Center toggle is ON in the Active Features. 

Note: If you want to be able to create, edit, and/or delete folders, you’ll need the "Report: BigTime Report Administrator" permission turned on.

Create Folder
Edit Folder
Delete Folder
Archiving Folders and Reports

Report Folders Embed.png

Create Folder

To start tailoring the Report Center to your organization, locate the Create Folder button beneath the Popular Reports section. Click on it to begin creating a new folder.


This will open a window where you can give your new folder a name and description. Once done, click Create to add your new folder to the Report Center.


A notification will confirm the creation of the folder. Once your new folder is added to the Report Center, reports can be published to it immediately.


Edit Folder

There may be times when the folder name needs to be changed. To edit the folder, click the Three Dots at the end of the folder's line. This will provide two options - Edit Folder and Delete. 


Clicking Edit Folder brings up the same options from the Create Folder window, allowing you to edit the folder's existing name and description. Don't forget to Save your changes.


A notification will confirm that the folder's changes have been saved.


Delete Folder

A folder may outlive its usefulness and require deletion. To begin that process, click those same Three Dots at the end of a folder's line and select Delete


Upon doing so, you'll be prompted with a warning that this is a final action and any reports still in this folder will be deleted, unable to be retrieved. The reports will also be deleted for any staffers that have access to them. If there are reports you want to save, make sure to publish them to another folder. 


Once you're sure, click Delete. A notification will confirm that the folder has been deleted, but also give a quick opportunity to undo your action. 


By clicking Undo, the folder will be restored to the Report Center, along with any reports that were in it at the time of deletion. 


Favoriting Reports

If you have our new Report Center activated, you’ll have the option to favorite reports. “Favoriting” a report is essentially a way to collect all your commonly used or most useful reports into one location, making them easier to find. 

Report Favoriting Hero Image - Knowledge Base.png

Note: If you want to be able to favorite a report, you’ll need the "Reporting: All Access" permission turned on.

Before you favorite any reports, you’ll see an empty “Favorite Reports” folder. As you favorite reports, you’ll start to see this folder fill up. The report will still live in its original category, as well as in the “Favorite Reports” folder. The “Favorite Reports” folder will always be pinned to the top of your folders – you won’t be able to sort it into a different location. This is to make it easier for you to access it.

To favorite a report, open the folder where it lives. When you hover over its name, you’ll see a Star icon. This is what you’ll click on to favorite your report.


After doing this, you’ll see that report in the “Favorite Reports” folder.


You’ll know that a report has been successfully favorited when you receive a notification telling you about the change.


You can also unfavorite a report by following these same steps and clicking again on the Star icon. This will remove the report from the “Favorite Reports” folder.


Archiving Folders and Reports

Keep your report center tidy by archiving older reports and folders instead of deleting them. Archived reports and folders can be easily retrieved within 30 days, allowing you to stay organized while ensuring no valuable data is lost.


If you are an admin, activate the feature for your firm in My Company → My Company → Active Features → Report Center (ON). Users must also have the ‘Report: BigTime Report Administrator’ user right permission to see the 3 dots, Archive buttons for folders and reports, and the Report Archives icon in the Report Center. 


To archive a folder, click the Three Dots at the end of a folder's line and select Archive Folder.


If there are reports in that folder, you will receive a message stating that the folder and all the reports in that folder will be removed and can then only be accessed in the Report Archives page. This is not forever - archived folders and reports will only be accessible in the Report Archives for 30 days. When ready, click Archive to send the report to the Report Archives. 


To archive a report, open the folder where it lives and click the Archive Report icon at the end of the report’s name.


A message will appear stating that the report will be removed from the folder and sent to the Report Archives page. Click Archive when ready. After a report or folder has been archived, a success message will appear in the bottom left corner of your screen.

When a report is archived, it will still be displayed in the Favorites folder, but the report name will be grayed out with (Archived) appended to the end and a hover message. After 30 days, the archived report will be permanently deleted from the Report Archives page, as well as the Favorites folder. 


The Report Archives page can be found on the Report Center home page next to the Create Folder and Report Glossary icons.


Once in the Report Archives, there is a report-like grid showing all the currently archived Folders and Reports, along with their archived date and further information. There is also an explicit callout at the top of the page stating all items in the Report Archives will be deleted permanently after 30 days. Manually deleting a report or folder is no longer necessary. 

Reports or Folders may regain their usefulness and users will be able to bring them back by Restoring them. 

To restore a folder or report, click the Up icon at the end of the line in the Actions column.


A message will appear stating that the report will be restored to the Report Center in the folder of your choosing. Click Restore to immediately add it back to the Report Center.


 If restoring a folder with reports in it, you’ll receive a message stating the folder and its contents have been restored to the Report Center. Restored folders with no reports in it will receive no message and immediately get added back to the Report Center.


After a report or folder has been restored, a success message will appear in the bottom left corner of your screen.

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