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Favoriting Reports

If you have our new Report Center activated, you’ll have the option to favorite reports. “Favoriting” a report is essentially a way to collect all your commonly used or most useful reports into one location, making them easier to find. This article will explain just how you can favorite and unfavorite reports.

Report Favoriting Hero Image - Knowledge Base.png

Note: If you want to be able to favorite a report, you’ll need the "Reporting: All Access" permission turned on.

Before you favorite any reports, you’ll see an empty “Favorite Reports” folder. As you favorite reports, you’ll start to see this folder fill up. The report will still live in its original category, as well as in the “Favorite Reports” folder. The “Favorite Reports” folder will always be pinned to the top of your folders – you won’t be able to sort it into a different location. This is to make it easier for you to access it.

To favorite a report, open the folder where it lives. When you hover over its name, you’ll see a STAR icon. This is what you’ll click on to favorite your report.


After doing this, you’ll see that report in the “Favorite Reports” folder.


You’ll know that a report has been successfully favorited when you receive a notification telling you about the change.


You can also unfavorite a report by following these same steps and clicking again on the STAR icon. This will remove the report from the “Favorite Reports” folder.


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