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Access, Use and Configure the Checklist Item Board

When you activate the checklist items feature, you’ll have access to the checklist item board where you can manage all your checklist items in one place. This article will explain how to access this board and what you can do with it.

Accessing the Checklist Item Board

To access the checklist item board, first navigate to the task board (WORKFLOW…TASK BOARD). You’ll see a toggle button with two options at the top of the screen: TASK DASHBOARD and CHECKLIST ITEMS. Click CHECKLIST ITEMS

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If you have the “Act as a task/activity admin” permission enabled, then you will be able to view all checklist items within the checklist board, whether you are assigned to the checklist item or not.

NOTE: This only applies to the checklist items that are on a project that you are a part of the project team for.

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If “View manage any project” and “Act as a task/activity admin” permissions are enabled, then you can see all checklist items on the checklist board for all projects.

If you don’t have the “Act as a task/activity admin” permission, you’ll only be able to see the checklist items assigned to you.

Customizing Your Checklist Item Dashboard Workflow

Tailor your checklist item dashboard so it displays the most relevant information to your firm. Below, we’ll explain your many customization options, including how to:

  • Change the checklist item dashboard view,
  • Add filters, and
  • Add and remove columns.

Once you’ve created checklist items, you can view them in one of three ways: flat view, by project, or by task. You can toggle among these views by clicking the icon with horizontal lines, located on the top-right corner of your window.

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Each view is described below:

  • Flat view: a laundry list of your checklist items. It looks like this:

    Board (90).png
  • By project: a hierarchical view that lists each project with the checklist items beneath. It looks like this:

    Board (91).png
  • By task: another hierarchical view that organizes your projects and checklist items by task. It looks like this:

    Board (92).png
    “By task” is only useful if your firm uses task groups because it groups associated tasks together for a given project. In the image above, Temre’s Project is the project, and “Design” and “Launch” are two of the task groups checklist items have been organized into. 

Note: System admins can also use the Task Editor to add and edit checklist items.

Add Filters

Click on the FUNNEL icon, located near the top-right corner of your window, to add filters to each column.

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Now you can search within a specific column. Click on the black triangle in one of your columns and a picklist will pop up. Check the relevant dialog boxes and click APPLY. BigTime will narrow your list down to the values you've selected.

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Add and Remove Columns

Use the gear icon to add and/or remove columns to your checklist item list.

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After you click on the gear icon, a picklist will appear.

  • Rearrange the columns. Click on the intersecting arrows and drag and drop the category to appear as you’d like.
  • Add or remove columns. To add columns, scroll past the “Selected Fields” section, with checked dialog boxes, and you’ll see a list of unchecked dialog boxes. Add more columns by clicking the boxes next to the respective category. Then, click APPLY to add your selections to your project list.

    Remove existing columns by unchecking boxes under “Selected Fields.” Then, click APPLY to save your change(s).

Update, Delete, or Mark Checklist Items as Complete

Under the BULK ACTIONS button in the top left corner, you can do the following:

  • Mark checklist items as complete,
  • Update checklist items, or
  • Delete checklist items.

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To accomplish any of the following actions, first check off the box next to the name of your chosen checklist item(s).

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Then, click the BULK ACTIONS button and select which option you’d like to accomplish. 

When you click the UPDATE button, you’ll be able to update:

  • Type (only displayed if your firm the has Task Types configured)
  • Status (only displayed if your firm has Task Types configured)
  • Start Date
  • Due Date
  • Description

If you have the “Edit task details on my tasks” permission enabled, then you can update any field for their Checklist Items

If you do not have “Edit task details on my tasks” or “Create and Manage Checklist Items” permissions, then you will only be able to update the Status and/or mark an item as complete.

The DELETE option will only be available if you have the permission to “Create and Manage Checklist Items”.

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