The Task Dashboard is a project management system designed to help keep you organized and manage projects effectively.
Managers use the Task Dashboard for an at-a-glance view of all tasks and to gauge project progress. They can create project workflows, view project plans, add tasks, and more. Staffers also have access to the dashboard and use it to keep informed of looming deadlines and assignments.
Note: Instead of “tasks,” your firm may refer to these units of work as “budget items,” “phases,” “work items,” or “engagements.”
This article introduces the Task Dashboard and how it works. We’ll explain how to:
- Access your Task Dashboard and add tasks,
- Set up workflows, and
- Integrate with Zapier.
Access Your Task Dashboard and Add Tasks
1. Click WORKFLOW...TASK BOARD to get to your Task Dashboard.
2. Now you can add tasks to your projects. To do so, click the ADD TASK button in the top-left corner of your window.
A new window will pop up and you can add details pertaining to that task.
3. To add a recurring task, click on the triangle next to ADD TASK and select ADD RECURRING from the picklist.
A new window will pop up for you to add details about the frequency of the recurring task.
TIP: Use the Task Editor
The Task Dashboard is one way to enter tasks into BigTime. The Task Editor is another way.
Think of the Task Editor as a one-stop shop for entering tasks and task-related information in BigTime. Instead of entering tasks one at a time on the Task Dashboard, you can enter your tasks and task-related information all at once with the Task Editor. Click here to learn more.
Set Up Workflows
Within the Task Dashboard, the system admin creates a project workflow that’s used to track the progression of tasks from start to finish. Task types and stages are part of the workflow.
- Task types: a way to categorize your tasks, like “editorial” or “sales.” Add “types” to easily see progress on tasks under a specific category. Click here to learn how to setup types.
- Stage: a unique status code that indicates the status of a project, such as “in process” or “not started.” Click here to learn more about stages.
If you haven’t created a workflow, you’ll be prompted to do so on the left side of your Task Dashboard.
Integrate Bigtime With Your Project Management Software
Consider integrating your BigTime account with outside management systems, like Zapier, to automate workflows. Use this integration to push data from other apps into BigTime, or vice versa.
Learn more about Zapier integration here.