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How To Import Vendor Bills from QuickBooks

If you want to include vendor bills you've created in QuickBooks on invoices or budgets in BigTime, you have the ability to import those vendor bills from QuickBooks into BigTime. The steps you’ll follow will be similar to those you’d follow for importing invoices from QuickBooks, with a few differences. This article will walk you through each of those steps.

NOTE: In order to import vendor bills from QuickBooks into BigTime, you will need to be set up as a financial admin. Read this article to learn about setting up security groups with financial administrative privileges.

Importing Vendor Bills From QuickBooks to BigTime

1. Go to QUICKBOOKS…IMPORT DATA from your main navigation toolbar.


2. In your IMPORT DATA window, select IMPORT VENDOR EXPENSE HISTORY, and then click the blue NEXT STEP button to continue to the next step of your data import.


3. Step two will prompt you to set some filters for the types of vendor bills you’d like to import. Here, you can select a date range for BigTime to pull from, the project your vendor bills are counted toward, and the default expense code associated with the bill(s). Once you’ve set the filters you’d like, click the NEXT STEP button again.


4. The final step will ask you to confirm the details about the vendor bills you plan to import. If everything looks correct, click IMPORT to begin the import process.


If your import was successful, you’ll see a message letting you know your import was completed. However, if your import isn’t successful, this screen will display an IMPORT FAILED message. 


There are a few reasons why a vendor bill import might fail. It could be because:

  • The bill you want to import has already been imported into BigTime
  • There are no project related expenses associated with that vendor bill
  • Your vendor bill was originally created in BigTime and exported to QuickBooks
  • The bill you want to import isn't linked to any projects

Once you’ve checked whether any of these instances apply and have resolved issues with your bill, you can try importing it again. If you continue to run into issues importing a vendor bill, contact BigTime Support to get troubleshooting help.


Viewing Your Imported Vendor Bills in BigTime

To see the vendor bills you’ve imported from QuickBooks into BigTime, go to QUICKBOOKS…POST EXPENSES from your main toolbar.


Next, go to the bottom of this page and click the hyperlink next to VENDOR EXPENSES. 


Here you can see all your unposted vendor expenses. Any vendor bills you've imported will show a GRAY ARROW icon under the POST STATUS column.


If a vendor bill gets paid for in QuickBooks, you'll see a GREEN CHECKMARK icon under the PAID column for that bill. Finally, if an imported vendor bill has been modified at any point in QuickBooks, you’ll see the date that modification was made under the MODIFIED column for that bill.


If you have more questions about posting to QuickBooks or vendor bills, take a look at some of these articles:

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