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View and Edit Consolidated Invoices and Sub-Invoices

You can view and edit a consolidated invoice. You can also view and edit sub-invoices: the individual invoices that make up the consolidated invoice. 

And that’s what this article is about: viewing and editing consolidated invoices and sub-invoices.

Note: This article assumes you know how to create a consolidated invoice.

Notice the hierarchy in the image below, once you’ve created a consolidated invoice. The word “consolidated” appears next to the invoice that was consolidated, and the sub-invoices are listed beneath. 


With this in mind, let’s view and edit a consolidated invoice.


View and Edit a Consolidated Invoice

Click on the hyperlinked dollar amount in the AMOUNT column.


This will direct you to the draft version of the consolidated invoice, where you can view and edit details.


Here’s what you need to know:

  • The consolidated invoice is grouped by project; the sub-invoices appear as line items.
  • Line items are read-only. That means, you can’t make changes to the line items inside the consolidated invoice.
    If you want to change a line item, you need to access the specific sub-invoice, which is explained in greater detail in the section below.
  • Common fields like invoice number, status, and terms can be edited and saved on the consolidated invoice. Sub-invoices inherit these common fields from the consolidated invoice, and they’re read-only. So if you change the status on the consolidated invoice, all of the sub-invoices will be affected as well.
  • Remove an invoice from a consolidated invoice clicking drop. This will remove the invoice from the consolidated invoice. It will now become its own invoice.


View and Edit a Sub-Invoice

The individual invoices that make up your consolidated invoice are called sub-invoices. You can view and edit portions of these invoices after they’ve been consolidated. 

Edit a sub-invoice by clicking EDIT on the consolidated invoice itself. Doing so will open the invoice in a new tab so you can edit it.


You’ll know that you’re in a sub-invoice because you’ll see a note at the top of your window indicating that this document is part of a consolidated invoice, followed by a link to the invoice.


The gray fields are inherited from the consolidated invoices, so you can’t edit those. However, you can make line-item changes. 

For example, you can edit the line item description, quantity, rate, or amount. You can remove a line item, by clicking on the trash can, or add more time (in the Time tab). 

You can also make edits of the Time and Expense details in the sub-invoice.

Once you save your changes, the updates will be applied to the consolidated invoice.

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