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Your Invoicing and A/R Dashboard

Your Invoice Dashboard tells you everything you need to know about your invoices. Get a high-level view of your work in progress, drafted invoices, paid/closed invoices, and overdue invoices. Or drill into any of these topics for detailed and customized information.

This article will explain how to access and use your Invoice Dashboard. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Access the Invoice Dashboard,
  • Use the three tiles: Work-in-Progress, Drafts and Finals, A/R Aging, and
  • Use the Monthly Invoicing Summary graph and locate your “finals” window. 

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Access the Invoice Dashboard

Get to your Invoice Dashboard by clicking INVOICING...OVERVIEW from the navigation bar.

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Now you’re at your Invoice Dashboard. You can get a lot of information from the different tiles on this window. But you can get more information by drilling into each one, which we’ll do next.

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Use the Three Tiles on Your Invoice Dashboard

How much work is in progress? Are you getting paid for the work you do? How many invoices have been drafted? Get answers to these questions by clicking into each of the three tiles shown in the image above: Work-in-Progress, Drafts and Finals, and A/R Aging.

We’ll explain what you’ll find in each tile, starting with Work-in-Progress.



Click on your WORK-IN-PROGRESS tile to see all of your unbilled time and expenses. Customize this window so it populates with information that’s relevant to you. This window shows what we’re currently working on and for whom. However, for more information we’ll click on one of the hyperlinks under the FEES or WIP column.

Note: Your window may look different depending on the columns you’ve selected.

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We clicked on the hyperlinked value $960.00, under the FEES column, and BigTime took us to a new window where we can see details like the staffers who have billed time to the project and their billing rate, among other details.

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Return to your Invoice Dashboard by clicking BACK TO INVOICE CONTROL CENTER, near the top-left of your window.

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The middle tile on your Invoice Dashboard has a dual function: drafts and finals. You can use the toggle switch at the bottom of this tile to toggle back and forth between them to see your drafted invoices and your “sent,” “posted,” or “paid and closed” invoices, respectively.

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Click on the DRAFTS tab, and then click on the tile to see all of your drafted invoices and related details, like the client, amount, and invoice type. Note, the amounts seen on the above tile represent drafted invoices up to the current date. Whereas the total amount summary within the tile, seen below, includes invoices with future draft dates.

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Click on the FINALS tab. Then, click on the tile to see the invoices that have been marked as "sent,” "posted," or "paid/closed" for the current calendar month.

You can customize either or both of these windows by adding or removing columns and filters.

A/R Aging

The A/R Aging tile is a powerful tool that shows you invoices with an open balance—that is, the invoices that still need to be paid.

Click on this tile and see how long overdue an invoice is. For example, we’ve got seven invoices that are more than 120 days overdue.

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Note: You can customize this window, too.

Monthly Invoicing Summary Graph

You can’t miss your monthly invoicing summary graph at the end of your window. See how much you’ve invoiced and how much you’ve been paid each month over a 12-month period of time. Hover over the bar graph and you’ll see the specific amounts.

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For a deeper dive, click on the bar graph for a particular month. This takes you to your FINAL INVOICES window, which includes invoices that have been paid and closed for the selected month. This window is also customizable.

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