List all outstanding invoices for a specific client on your invoice template. It’s an easy way to stay organized and indirectly remind your clients of their unpaid invoices. This article will show you how to enable this option.
1. Click INVOICING...CONFIGURE from your navigation bar.
This will cause a new window to pop up, as shown in the image below.
2. Click on PDF STYLES, which is a tab near the top of your window.
3. Click on the QUESTION MARK next to a template from the list that populates.
4. Click EDIT.
This will cause a new tab to open where you’ll edit your invoice style.
5. Under step 3, click the A/R tab and then check the box next to SHOW LIST OF UNPAID INVOICES.
6. Click SAVE to save your work.
By enabling this function, your invoice template will look something like this: