Edit and add details to the tasks you’ve created. This article will discuss four task functions and how to add details to the tasks you create.
Note: Remember to turn on the auto-save feature, located near the top-right of your Task Editor window, by clicking the "auto-save" text. That way, BigTime saves your work automatically. Alternatively, you can manually save your work by clicking SAVE, near the bottom-right of the window.
Menu Functions for Tasks
Below are the four ways you can edit and add details to your tasks.
1. Edit tasks. You can edit a task after you save it. Click on the three dots next to a task and select EDIT TASK.
A new window will pop-up, and you can edit information about the task. You’re able to update task and budget details. Remember to save any edits you make by clicking SAVE.
2. Mark Complete. Indicate that a task is complete by clicking on the three dots next to the task and select MARK COMPLETE. This will cause the task to appear in gray—a visual indicator that the task is finished.
When a task is marked complete, it looks like this:
3. Add a sub-task. Click the three dots on the right-side of the task and select ADD SUBTASK.
Add a subtask when you want to add smaller “to do’s” that pertain to a task. For example, “scheduling an interview with Jack” could be a subtask for the task “write feature article."
Click here to learn more about subtasks.
4. Delete tasks. Click the three vertical dots on the right-side of the task and select DELETE from the picklist.
BigTime will prompt you with a question box asking if you’re sure you want to delete the task. Click “yes” to delete the task.
Sort Your Tasks
You can re-arrange your tasks, so they’ll appear in an order that’s meaningful to you. Click on the two rows of dots to the left of the task cell. Drag the task to where you want it to appear. For example, you can move the task “update website content” to appear first in your list of tasks.
Add Task Details
You’ll notice several blank cells next to your task. Use these cells to add task details, such as due date, hours, and budget. We’ll discuss each option below.
1. Type. Click on the red triangle and you’ll get a picklist of options to categorize the task you’ve created. The values that appear in the picklist are customizable and firm-dependent.
2. Budget. Add the amount of money you’re allocating to the task. Type the numerical value into the cell under "Budget." The dollar sign will populate automatically once you click out of the cell. An “overall budget total” will appear at the bottom of the window.
3. Hours. Add the number of hours you want to be allocated to the task. Type the numerical value into the cell under "Hours." An overall hour total will appear at the bottom of the window. In the image below, 50 refers to the number of total hours that are allocated.
4. Due Date. Add a due date for the task by either typing the date into the cell directly (ie, 7/1/17), or clicking into the cell and selecting a date from the calendar that pops up.
5. Assignments. Add staffers to the task you created. Click on the red triangle and a picklist of your staffers will show up. Then, click the box next to the staffers you want to be assigned to this task. Your selection(s) will appear in the field under “Assignment(s).”
Note: You can delete staffers from the assignment cell by clicking on the small “x” next to the name.
Now that you’ve created tasks, you may want to also create subtasks.
TIP: Existing Tasks
If you previously added tasks to a project, these tasks will be automatically applied to the task editor.