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Marking a Task As Non-Billable

In some cases, you might have tasks under a project that are not billable. Instead of asking staffers to specify this each time they log time or expenses against those tasks, BigTime allows you to automatically mark expense and time entries as non-billable.

Marking Tasks As Non-Billable: Step by Step

1. Go to MY COMPANY...PROJECT LIST to access your project list.

Note: You can also access project tasks by clicking on WORKFLOW...TASK BOARD from the navigation menu.


2. Select a project from the project list. Choose the name of the project to which the task you’d like to edit belongs.

3. Click on the TASKS tab. From here you’ll see a list of all tasks associated with that project. mceclip3.png

4. Choose a task from the list. Click on the task name to open the task record. 

5. Check the box next to HOURS/EXPENSES LOGGED AGAINST THIS TASK ARE NON-BILLABLE in the GENERAL INFO tab of the task record.


6. Click SAVE to make the update final.


Non-Billable Tasks on Submitted Timesheets and Expense Reports

From the time and expense review/approval area of BigTime, you will see a check mark in the N/C status column for any time and expenses submitted against tasks you’ve marked as non-billable from the task record.

To illustrate this from the expense review area, click on an expense value (for a non-billable task) in the Cost column. This will bring up the Edit Expense Details screen.


Regardless of whether the employee specified this when entering the expense, this box on the expense entry form will automatically be checked because you established the task as non-billable from the task record.


Similarly, drill into the hours associated with a non-billable task on a submitted timesheet. This will bring up the Time Entry Details screen for that particular entry, and will show that the entry is non-billable—as established from the General Info tab of the task record.


TIP: Apply Non-Billable Status to Submitted Time and Expenses Against a Task

If staffers have already submitted time or expenses against a task that you’d like to mark as non-billable, you can still proceed with the same steps to make that task non-billable from the task record. The system will notify you, however, of any submitted entries against the task. Simply check the option (as pictured below) to update existing time and expenses associated with this task.

If you would like to undo this action, simply uncheck the box next to “Hours/Expenses logged against this task are non-billable,” and you will receive the option to update existing time and expenses as billable entries.

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