BigTime's multi-currency features make it possible for your company to invoice and bill in any foreign currency, giving you a leg up in the global marketplace. Here are the steps you'll need to take to activate them for your company.
1. Go to MY COMPANY…MY COMPANY from your main navigation bar.
2. In your company settings window, open the ACTIVE FEATURES tab.
3. You’ll see a list of features that you can activate for your firm. Next to each feature is a toggle switch that you can click to turn certain features on and off. To activate multi-currency for billing, find the feature titled MULTI-CURRENCY: BILLING AND INVOICING feature and toggle the switch next to it to the on position.
4. To finish the process, click the blue SAVE button located at the bottom right corner of your company settings window.
Now your firm will be able to start using multi-currency for billing and invoicing. Take a look at some of the articles below to learn about BigTime’s other multi-currency features and how they can work for your company.