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Show Overall Total Accounts Receivable (AR) on Invoice Templates

There's an option to show overall accounts receivable (AR) on invoice templates. Activate it to provide customers a total value of unpaid invoices. We’ll show you how activate this option.

1. Click INVOICING...CONFIGURE from your navigation bar.

This will cause a new window to pop up, as shown in the image below.

2. Click on PDF STYLES, which is a tab near the top of your window.


3. Click on the QUESTION MARK next to a template from the list that populates.


4. Click EDIT.

This will cause a new tab to open, which is where you’ll activate the option to show overall total for AR.

5. Go to the A/R tab under step 3. Then, check the box next to the phrase, SHOW LISTINg OF UNPAID INVOICES.


6. Click SAVE to save your work.

Now your invoice will show a total value of unpaid invoices when you use this template.

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