The final piece of DCAA timekeeping and compliance in BigTime is the ability to print a weekly Certified Timesheet Report from the Report Center. This report compiles all information your firm might need for auditing history and might also facilitate your payroll process by identifying exactly what’s billable from week to week.
1. Navigate to your Report Center by clicking on ANALYTICS...REPORT CENTER.
2. Select the TIME TRACKING Tile. Once you select it, the tile will be highlighted in blue.
3. Underneath the Time Tracking tile you’ll find a section called “Verified Weekly Timesheets.” Click the hyperlink PRINT WEEKLY TIMESHEETS to print a set of weekly timesheets.
4. Set report specifics from the Report Wizard and print. You’ll be prompted to select a date range and staffers for inclusion on the report from the Selected Staff picklist. Once you’ve made your selections, click the PRINT button.
The timesheet report will download as a PDF file to your machine. You might see it at the bottom of your browser window or in a folder on your computer.
Locate and open it and you will see that the report provides the information needed for certified timesheet reports for DCAA auditing compliance. It will detail staffers’ hours and audit log notes, a history of any audit note changes, and manager verification and approval.