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Customizing Time/Expense Details on Print Invoices

Customize your print invoices with time and expense details. You decide what time and expense details to display, such as staffer title and rate, and how these details will appear. This article will walk you through the process.

First, we need to create an invoice template. Then, we’ll indicate how these details will appear. Follow the steps below.

1. Click INVOICING…CONFIGURE from the navigation bar.


2. Click PDF STYLES on the new window that pops up.

You can update an existing template or create a new one, which is what we’ll do.

3. Click CREATE NEW to create a new template. It’s the last option in your PDF Styles window.

A new tab will open.

4. Find step 3 on the new tab that opens, and click on the TIME/EXPENSES header.


5. Check the relevant options under Time/Expense:

-Include time detail,
-Include expense detail, or
-Combine time + expenses.

Note: If you choose COMBINE TIME+EXPENSES, you have the option to create your own heading under SECTION HEADING (see image below). 


6. Select time and expense details. As you can see in the image below, we selected several fields under TIMESHEET INFO and EXPENSE INFO. The details we select will populate on the invoice.


7. Sort your time and expense details based on a category that you select. Click on the red triangle under the SORT BY header and a picklist will populate. Select a category from this list.

Then, choose to sort these details by ascending or descending order. Check the box next to DESCENDING to sort these detail in descending order.


8. Add one or more options from ADDITIONAL OPTIONS to your printed invoice. For example, if you would like to subtotal time and expense values by a particular field, select the radio button next to your choice.


9. Click SAVE to save your work.


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