If you have an idea for a new project template, but you want to base it on a previous template you created, you have the option to duplicate that previous template and use it as a blueprint to create your new template. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps needed to copy an existing project template.
1. Go to your project templates window by clicking MY COMPANY…PROJECT TEMPLATES.
2. In your project template screen, find the template that you’d like to copy. To the right side of that project template’s row, you’ll see a CLIPBOARD icon. Click on that icon.
3. Another row will immediately appear below your selected project template. This template will by default be named “Project Template Name” (Copy).
This project template copy will share all the same characteristics and information from the original project template you copied it from. If you want to make any changes to this project template’s details, you can do so the same way you’d edit any other template. Just click the hyperlinked name in the TEMPLATE NAME column to drill down into the details for your copied template.