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Adding to a Hierarchical List

If you use projects or clients, or both, then this article is for you! Learn how to add new clients and projects to a hierarchical project list. This article will walk you through the process.


Click MY COMPANY...PROJECT LIST from your navigation bar to get to your Project List.


Click the blue button labeled +ADD PROJECT, in order to add projects or clients, or both.


A new window will pop up, and will look like this:


We’ll explain your three options next:

  • Add Client,
  • Add Project, and
  • Add Client and Project.

Add a Client

Click on ADD CLIENT and type your client’s name in the text box under CLIENT NAME. Add yourself to the client team by CHECKING THE BOX next to the phrase: “Check here to add yourself to this client team.”


Add a client code to identify the client. Then, click SAVE to save your work.


TIP: Auto-Generate Project Codes

You can set up the system to auto-generate project codes so users don’t need to fill them in.

Then, decide to use or discard the suggested auto-number each time you add a new project. The system will let you accept the proposed (pre-formatted) project code, manually override it, or ignore it altogether and type in your own custom code. Click EDIT AUTO-NUMBERING to edit auto-numbering.


Add a Project

Add a project to an existing client by clicking ADD PROJECT. Since we just added our client H&D Ltd. (above), we’ll add a project for this client called “audit.”

Click on the red triangle under the CLIENT header and a picklist will populate. Select the client you want to add to project to. Then, type the project name into the text box under PROJECT NAME.

Adjust the project code (explained in the section above, “Add a Client”). Add yourself to the project by CHECKING THE BOX next to the phrase: “Check here to add yourself to this project team.” Click ADD to add the project.


Add a Project and Client

You can add a new project and client at the same time. Click ADD CLIENT+ PROJECT and enter the client and project names in the text boxes under the respective headers: CLIENT NAME and PROJECT NAME.

Adjust the project code (explained in the section above, “Add a Client”). Add yourself to the project by CHECKING THE BOX next to the phrase: “Check here to add yourself to this project team.” Click ADD to add your client and project.


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