You can connect your favorite BigTime feature with an endless list of other apps you frequently use when you integrate BigTime with Zapier. This article will walk you through the integration process.
Note: This article assumes that you have a Zapier account. Check out this article to get started with Zapier.
1. Click MY COMPANY...INTEGRATIONS on your navigation bar.
2. Scroll through the available integrations and click the tile labeled ZAPIER. This will open a new window with your Zapier integration settings.
3. Click ENABLE.
4. Click the hyperlink, CLICK HERE TO ACTIVATE BIGTIME. This will cause a new tab to open.
5. Click the orange button to accept the invite and build a Zap (ie, a notification).
Zapier works by setting triggers and actions. Then, it “zaps” in the manner you’ve selected. For example, you can send a Zap notification when an invoice is sent in BigTime.
6. Decide which status codes in BigTime will trigger Zaps.
If you’re using Zapier only to push data into BigTime, then you can disregard this step: your status code settings won’t be used.
However, if you want to push data from BigTime into other applications, then you’ll need to make your status code selections. You can create Zaps for invoices, tasks, projects, and time entries.
Let’s take a look at this integration in action.
You can have BigTime send Zap notifications based on the current status of a project, task, or invoice, for example. So you can send a “create task” Zap when invoices are marked as “sent.” You choose the status code that triggers each Zap.
The first Zap you create in Zapier that uses BigTime will ask you to create a BigTime account. This is where you enter your credentials that’ll log into your BigTime account.