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Using Filters In BigTime Foresight

In some cases, you’ll want to view only specific sets of data in BigTime Foresight rather than all of your data at once. Because of this, each view in Foresight includes filters that allow you to narrow down datasets to get more specific insights. This article will walk you through using filters in BigTime Foresight.

Table Of Contents

Configuring Filtering
     Adding Filter
     Saving Filter
     Removing A Filter
Quick Search
Groups Of Filters Available In BigTime Foresight
     Filtering By People
     Filtering By Projects
     Filtering By Demand
     Filtering By Assignment
Groups Of Filters Availability Across The System
Filtering By List And By Value
     Filtering By List
     Filtering By Values
Practical Examples Of How Filters Work
     Example 1: Filtering People by Their Assigned Project Managers
     Example 2: Searching for People by Their Fulfillment Level
“Contains” Versus “Equals” and “Includes”: Explaining the Difference
Filter Rules Glossary

Configuring Filtering

Adding Filter

The "Add Filter" button lets you utilize the view's filter options. Clicking "Add Filter" will display a list of available filters and a search feature to help you quickly find the filter you need.

Saving Filter

You can save your Filter Set as a “favorite” and use it anytime. Click the STAR button at the top right corner to save the filtered data set. Once you have saved at least one filter, a "Saved filters" button will appear next to the "Add Filter" button. Clicking on it will show a list of all the saved filters. You can also share filters with coworkers by clicking the "Share" button in the top right corner, which copies the filter URL. 


Removing A Filter

The configured filter can be removed by using the "Clear" button

Quick Search

This search function lets you quickly look for a particular attribute you want to filter. For example, if you're searching for employees with a Default Role of "Project Manager," start typing "proj..." in the search bar, and it will display a list of available filters for that value. Click on the relevant result, and the view will be filtered accordingly.

Groups Of Filters Available In BigTime Foresight

There are four groups of filters available in BigTime Foresight: 

Filtering By People

Availability [In Time Frame], Certificate, Cost Center 1/2/3, Default role, Department, Education, Has Pending Time Off, Inactive, Person Skill, Seniority, Staff Member, Status, Utilization, Title, Time Off Managers, 

Filtering By Projects

Billing Model, Client Name, Current Status, Due Date, ID, Project Manager, Project Manager (Read-Only), Project Name, Start Date, Status, Type

Filtering By Demand

Default Role, Seniority, Person Skill, Fulfillment

Filtering By Assignment

Client Name, Project Name, Project Status, Project Role, Label, Start Date, Due Date, Off-Hours Work, Non-Billable, Reduce Billable Capacity, Assign Leftover Billable Capacity, Bill Rate

Groups Of Filters Availability Across The System

In the table below, you’ll find all the places where particular groups of filters are available. 

Filtering By People Filtering By Projects Filtering By Demand Filtering By Assignment
Team Members Tab  Projects Tab Demand Calendar Bulk Edit
Search For Team Members In the Projects Tab Project Calendar   Scheduled Vs. Actual Report In The Project Profile
Calendar Team Members Demand Calendar   Team Members Calendar In The Project Profile
Utilization Report Utilization Report    
Availability Report Availability Report    
Time Off Tab Project Finances Report    
Team Members Calendar In Project Profile Project Performance Report    
Bulk Edit Scheduled Vs. Actual Report    
Scheduled Vs. Actual Report      
Scheduled Vs. Actual Report In The Project Profile      

Filtering By List And By Value

Filtering by list and filtering by values are two distinct methods for refining data sets based on different criteria.

Filtering By List

Filtering by list allows you to narrow down a list of results, such as filtering members of a specific team. This approach is particularly useful when viewing or analyzing a specific subset of data from a larger group. By selecting a specific list, you immediately reduce the overall data only to include the items that match the criteria of that list. For instance, if you're working with a database of team members, you can apply a list filter to focus solely on the members of a particular team, excluding all others.

Filtering By People List Filtering By Projects List Filtering By Demand List Filtering By Assignment List (With Assignment In)
Team Members List Projects List Calendar → Demand Projects Profile → Team Calendar
Search for Team Members Calendar → Projects   Projects Profile → Scheduled vs. Actual
Projects Profile → Team Calendar Calendar → Demand   Projects Profile → Bulk Edit
Projects Profile → Scheduled vs. Actual Reports → Scheduled vs. Actual   Calendar → Team Members
Projects Profile → Bulk Edit Reports → Projects Finances   Calendar → Projects
Calendar → Team Members Reports → Projects Performance   Reports → Scheduled vs. Actuals
Time Off Tab      
Reports → Utilization      
Reports → Scheduled vs. Actuals      
Reports → Availability      

Filtering By Values

Filtering by values, on the other hand, targets specific data points within a report. This method lets you filter the data based on particular metrics or indicators, such as in a UTILIZATION REPORT, where you might need to focus on specific project-related statistics. Unlike list filtering, filtering by values retains the original list of people or items. Still, it reduces the scope of the data by only including the metrics relevant to the selected filter. For example, suppose you want to analyze performance indicators for a specific project. In that case, the list of people remains unchanged, but the data displayed is filtered to show only the values pertinent to that project, offering a more focused analysis without altering the overall structure of the dataset.

Go to the Groups Of Filters Availability Across The System to find out where you can use filtering by value.

Filtering By Projects Value Filtering By Assignment Value (With Assignment In)
Reports → Utilization Reports → Utilization
Reports → Availability Reports → Availability
  Reports → Projects Finances
  Reports → Projects Performance

Practical Examples Of How Filters Work

Example 1: Filtering People by Their Assigned Project Managers 

When you open the details for a specific filter on the Demand, People, or Project calendars, you’ll see the options to select particular types or “equations” to apply to your filter. It is best to explain how these filter equations work with an example. Let’s say we are looking for staffers in the People Calendar based on the Project Managers assigned to them:

In this case, the meaning of the following filter equations will be as follows
is empty  searches for people who have no project manager assigned to them
is not empty searches for people who have been assigned any project manager
equals searches for people who have been assigned a project manager you listed below
not equals searches for people who have different project managers than those you listed below
includes any of finds people for whom one of the following people is their manager. Allows the user to search for all employees/projects who have any of the "phrases" selected for filtering; you can choose many
includes all of allows the user to search for all employees who have all the "phrases" selected for filtering; you can choose more than one
not include any of searches for people who do not have at least one of the project managers listed below assigned to them
not include all of searches for people who have not been assigned any of the project managers listed below

Example 2: Searching for People by Their Fulfillment Level

Searching for people using numerical parameters is different. In the second example below, we want to filter people by their fulfillment level:

The meaning of the following filters will be as follows
equals searches for people whose fulfillment will contain exactly the amount entered below
not equals searches for people whose fulfillment will not contain as much as entered below
less shows all people who have less fulfillment than the one entered below
less or equal shows all people whose fulfillment level is less than or equal to the number entered below
greater shows all people who have a greater fulfillment level than the one entered below
greater or equal shows all people who have a fulfillment level greater than or equal to the number entered below
between shows all people whose fulfillment level falls within the range indicated below

“Contains” Versus “Equals” and “Includes”: Explaining the Difference

Equals - something must be equal, e.g., Jane is not equal to Janett

Contains - allows the user to search for all employees/projects with a specific "phrase" to filter; you can only choose one that isn’t equal. To explain it with an example: Jane is included in Janet

Includes - applies to boards, i.e., Jane is contained in the board [Jane, Janet]

Filter Rules Glossary

After - Shows results after a specific date or time.

After or equal - Shows results on or after a specific date or time.

Any of labels - Shows results that match any one of several given labels.

Before - Shows results before a specific date or time.

Before or equals - Shows results on or before a specific date or time.

Between - Shows results between two values (e.g., numbers or dates).

Between (date pickers) - Shows results between two dates chosen using date pickers.

Contains - Shows results that have a specific word or phrase.

Contains one of - Shows results that have any one of several specific words or phrases.

Equals - Shows results that exactly match a specific value.

Greater - Shows results that are greater than a specific value.

Greater or equal - Shows results that are greater than or equal to a specific value.

Includes all of - Shows results that include all specified items.

Includes any of - Shows results that include any one of the specified items.

Is empty - Shows results where the field has no value.

Is not any of - Shows results that do not match any of the specified values.

Is not empty - Shows results where the field has some value.

Is not one of - Shows results that do not match a specific value.

Is one of - Shows results that match any one of the specified values.

Less - Shows results that are less than a specific value.

Less or equal - Shows results that are less than or equal to a specific value.

Not contain - Shows results that do not have a specific word or phrase.

Not equals - Shows results that do not exactly match a specific value.

Not includes any of - Shows results that do not include any of the specified items.

Not start with - Shows results that do not begin with a specific word or phrase.

Starts with - Shows results that begin with a specific word or phrase.

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